fredag 11. november 2011

Bilder fra utstillinga:

Så er utstillingen oppe! Åpningen gikk så bra som vi håpte. Nærmer 100 mennesker var innom bunkersen vår i løpet av dagen. De som kom - studenter, ansatte, familie, venner og andre interesserte - fikk en annerledes kunstopplevelse der de utstyrt med hodelykter utforsket samklangen mellom bunkeren og kunstuttrykkene. De fikk også med seg stedsrelatert improvisasjon på trompet ved Hilde Marie Holsen, som studerer på musikkkonservatoriet her på UiA. Fantastisk klang inni de forskjellige rommene!

torsdag 10. november 2011

Final Videoclips


The song of the artist Amanda Rogers fits quite good to the mood in the video. (Thanks for may using it!!)

Music and Lyrics by Amanda Rogers
"And She Waited" 2003
Amandas Piano Music

In the same time I realized that I can her song as a soundtrack, I start to make a own one. I spend many hours on thinking about a text and a melody. It was kind of hard!
So I put together some trials and edited them.

A friend sees the movie with my first trial an encourages me to take my own song. He thinkes that the unclearness of where the voices come from makes the video less easy to catch in it's meaning and more scaring for the observer. It's a good point and so I went on following the idea of a own song as a soundtrack.
After hours...and nights I have two own songs , which I can choose from. But at all I don't know how to decide. So now I have three different versions of the movie.

Britta Stedbasert - Videoperformance in a bunker. "Get into" - November 2011
Britta Stedbasert - Videoperformance in a bunker. "Left me here" - November 2011

Music and Lyrics by Britta

Thanks for the nice people who helped me!
I enjoyed it.

tirsdag 8. november 2011


Klargjøring av utstilling. Rist av armeringsjern ble løsningen for oppeheng av bilder. De rustne jernstengene står estetisk godt til de skitne, hvitmalte veggene og forfallet ellers i bunkeren.

Så er plakaten for utstillinga ferdig. Takk, Therese!

Hektisk aktivitet med å bli ferdig til åpningen av utstillingen nå til torsdag kl. 11. Vi er så heldig å få med oss en av studentene på Musikkonservatoriet her på UiA, Hilde Marie Holsen på trompet. Hun skal bidra med improvisert, stedsrelatert musikk. Fantastisk klang i bunkeren!

mandag 7. november 2011

And she waited.

The videoclip shows different moments from one hour sitting bound to a charir in a bunker.
The motivation behind was the curiousity to the emotions in this situation.
What i recognized after I made this performance is that there are to sides of communication. But just between myself. That's interesting I think.

Te performance was emotionaly fullfilled as I had a very strong feeling of panic the other night as I recognized the strane smell of a burning car. Becaus I didn't know that it was a burnig car made me very unsecure and rose up a lot of fears I wished to feel in the bunker.

Music and Lyrics by Amanda Rogers
"And She Waited" 2003
Amandas Piano Music